Early experience as a production editor for a high-volume publisher trained me to be quick about commas and unhesitating in knowing “which” from “that.” I’ve worked with scientists and scholars who have valued my ability to assist them in communicating their research simply and accurately. And I’ve managed the development and production of printed, web, and exhibit materials that meet the highest standards.

My editorial services include:

  • Developmental editing
  • Copy-editing
  • Proofreading
  • Indexing
Staff Editorial Experience
Manager of Publications, Getty Education Institute
Museum Editor for the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Copy Editor, Sage Publications

A sample of publications I've edited or for which I served as a member of an editing team:


Innovation and Change:
Ceramics from the Arizona State University Art Museum

Peter Held, editor
Arizona State University

From the Playground of the Gods:
The Life & Art of Bikky Sunazawa

Chisato O. Dubreuil
University of Hawaii Press



Art Education and Human Development
Howard Gardner
Getty Education Institute



Celebrating Pluralism: Art, Education, and Cultural Diversity
F. Graeme Chalmers
Getty Education Institute

The Intelligent Eye
David Perkins
Getty Education Institute

TERRA Magazine
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
(1984-1990, 2000)